Home » Video Tutorials » Teams Manager – Create Approvers & Approver Groups in Microsoft Teams

Teams Manager – Create Approvers & Approver Groups in Microsoft Teams

How to create Approvers & Approver Groups in Teams

This is a tutorial on how to create new approver groups in Teams Manager.

To create a new group, users need to navigate to the Teams Manager app, select the settings tab, and choose approval. Users will see an overview of all approver groups, and they can define a new group by clicking on “Add a group.” Then, users need to give their new approver group a name and description, select the users they want to add, and click on “Add an approver” to finalize the new approver group. Users can create as many approver groups as they need, and they can also edit or remove users from the group. To apply the new approver group, users need to add the group to a policy package and create a policy execution.

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