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Microsoft 365 Governance - an Overview

Microsoft 365 Governance

In this blog post, we provide an overview of Microsoft 365 governance, from risk management and zero trust to automation and interesting third-party tools. You’ll also find helpful links to additional resources providing more in-depth information.

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Microsoft Teams Project Management Features

Microsoft Teams Project Management Features

Microsoft Teams offers a wide range of features designed to facilitate effective project management. In this blog post, we take a look at the most important functionalities for optimizing and automating project management.

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Project Management Phases

The 5 Phases of Project Management

It’s important to have a good grasp of the different phases of project management. They allow for improved planning and management by breaking the project down into manageable parts, each with its own specific objectives …

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Replacing Valo Teamwork with Teams Manager

Replacing Valo Teamwork with Teams Manager

Looking to replace Valo Teamwork with a different governance tool? Migrating to Teams Manager with the help of our reliable partners offers a seamless shift with an exceptional feature set for efficient Microsoft Teams management.

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