Home » Case Studies » GEBRÜDER PETERS saves time through automation thanks to Teams Manager

GEBRÜDER PETERS saves time through automation thanks to Teams Manager

GEBRÜDER PETERS Gebäudetechnik AG saves time through automation thanks to Teams Manager



Customer Size

> 900 employees

GEBRÜDER PETERS uses Microsoft Teams for communication, task planning, file storage and documentation of construction projects. A uniform project room with a standardized folder structure, predefined OneNote and Planner with tasks meant a better overview, but initially also a lot of manual work for the project managers.

With Teams Manager, standardized project spaces can easily be provisioned, including ready-made Planner buckets, tasks and predefined OneNotes. The price-performance package was also a good fit.

GEBRÜDER PETERS achieves great time savings through automation. Predefined templates, lifecycles for archiving and naming conventions for  uniform names of the project rooms make working in Microsoft Teams easier.

“Teams Manager covers exactly what we had in mind. Everything that can be automated is now automated. I can also highly recommend the kick-off workshop.“ ​Matthias Ortner, CDO at GEBRÜDER PETERS Gebäudetechnik AG


Before the introduction of Microsoft Teams for project management, the employees of GEBRÜDER PETERS Gebäudetechnik AG only had a complicated way of accessing project-related files such as plans or Excel lists for construction site projects. This is why GEBRÜDER PETERS planned a standardized project room with a predefined folder structure, a OneNote with all contents and a predefined Planner with tasks within Microsoft Teams. These covered communication, task distribution, centralized file storage and documentation of on-site construction meetings.

However, it initially required considerable manual effort for the project managers to create the necessary folders, Planners, tasks, OneNotes, etc. for these standardized project rooms.

Our solution for GEBRÜDER PETERS

During a market analysis, GEBRÜDER PETERS discovered Teams Manager. The app was fully integrated into Microsoft Teams and covered all requirements: standardized project rooms were easy to provision, including ready-made Planner buckets, tasks and predefined OneNotes. The price-performance package was also a good fit, especially when compared to the time required and the susceptibility to errors beforehand.

Before starting with Teams Manager, GEBRÜDER PETERS received extensive onboarding. A detailed introduction to the options and settings of the tool gave a good overview. In a kick-off workshop, the planned goals and structures were defined together.


The automation with Teams Manager helps GEBRÜDER PETERS to realize great time savings. Instead of manually editing all teams rooms individually, as was previously the case, employees now only adjust the template and all new projects receive the changes automatically.

Lifecycles automatically archive project rooms that are no longer needed, making life easier for the administrators. Thanks to naming conventions, project rooms are now named consistently and clearly. For example, the respective branch office is always inserted at the beginning of the team name.​

About 25 experts use Teams Manager as Executive Users to create new teams as project rooms.

250 construction site projects have been provisioned as team rooms so far. Four templates are used for this.

GEBRÜDER PETERS also appreciated the implementation of data protection issues and the close contact with Solutions2Share.


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