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Microsoft 365: Disable Concealed Data in Reports

Microsoft 365: disable concealed data in reports

In Teams Manager, for lifecycle notifications of teams to be triggered based on missing activity, it is necessary to disable the concealing of users, groups and site names in reports in Microsoft 365 Admin Center.

➔ Read here how AEWB uses lifecycles to structure their Teams environment.

Microsoft has added the “Display concealed user, group, and site names in all reports” checkbox for privacy reasons; it is checked by default. As long as it is checked, certain information is hidden in all M365 reports. For example, the team Id or team name are concealed so that information cannot be assigned to a team.

For lifecycles based on activity, Teams Manager pulls the reports via the Graph API and needs the correct team Id/team name for the analysis.
So if you plan to apply team lifecycles based on inactivity in Microsoft Teams, please uncheck this checkbox and thus deactivate the “concealed reports”.

Download free ebook on Microsoft Teams governance!

A note in advance:
Microsoft has anonymized user information in reports for privacy reasons. Deactivating the checkbox affects all reports and should be clarified in advance with regard to data protection.

For more information, see:
Microsoft 365 Reports in the admin center
Privacy changes to Microsoft 365 Usage Analytics
Microsoft 365 reports show anonymous user names instead of actual user names

How to disable concealed data in reports in Microsoft 365

The following steps need to be performed in the M365 Admin Center for disabling the concealing of users, groups and site names in reports. To perform these operations, you must be a Microsoft 365 Global Administrator.

Time needed: 2 minutes

  1. M365 Admin Center

    Go to Microsoft 365 Admin Center at https://admin.microsoft.com.

  2. Show all

    Click on Show all in left panel.

    Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Show all

  3. Settings

    Click on Settings.

    Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Settings

  4. Org settings

    Click on Org Settings.

    Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Org settings

  5. Search for reports

    Search for “Reports” in Search All Settings Field.

    Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Reports settings

  6. Reports settings

    Select the option Reports.

  7. Uncheck checkbox

    Uncheck the checkbox “Display concealed user, group, and site names in all reports”.

    Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Uncheck "Display concealed user, group, and site names in all reports"

  8. Save

    Click on Save button.

    Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Conceal data in reports

  9. Regrant permissions in Teams Manager

    After successful save, go to Teams Manager and regrant the App Permissions in Setup screen.

  10. Lifecycles for inactive teams

    In Teams Manager’s Lifecycle settings, a green tick will be displayed.
    After these settings, Lifecycle notifications will be triggered.

    Microsoft Teams: Lifecycles for inactive teams

Click here to learn more about Teams Manager and its lifecycles for Microsoft Teams!

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